What is OIC-VET?
Monitoring and Advisory Committee
National Focal Points

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Capacity Building Programme for Social Security Institutions (SSI-CaB)

The right to social security is recognized as a human right and establishes the right to social security assistance for those unable to work due to sickness, disability, maternity, employment injury, unemployment or old age. In our times, there is definitely an enterprise social security system of all countries that is sufficient or insufficient. Social security that involves all members of the society throughout the whole life up from cradle to grave is considered to be the most important peak of the welfare state in social policy and at the same time occupies the forefront goals of the developing societies.

The Capacity Building Programme for Social Security Institutions (SSI-CaB) has been initiated by SESRIC in November 2014 as a large scale capacity development project. Within this framework, the Centre collects information from SSIs of OIC Member Countries through questionnaires, assesses the needs and capacities of the Member Countries accordingly, and matches these needs and capacities through organizing short term training programs, courses or workshops. Besides, the Centre evaluates the outcomes and impacts of the training and disseminates the activities.

Capacity Building Programme for Social Security Institutions (SSI-CaB) Events

Please Select a Year:

Venue Date  

Main Subjects

Actuarial and Financial Management Information Technology Pension
General Health Insurance Insurance Premiums  

Download the Questionnaire

The Ankara Centre highly appreciates your valued cooperation and urges all related institutions of the OIC Member Countries to participate in the Capacity Building Programme for Social Security Institutions (SSI-CaB) in order to effectively plan and implement training programmes which will, no doubt, add to the specialisation efforts of experts in the OIC Member Countries in general and play an important role in the improvement of human capital in the Member Countries.

You are highly welcomed to download the related survey and involve in the efforts towards the realisation of the high level cooperation and collaboration among the OIC Member Countries.

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